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Common Questions & Answers

1. What is the process for getting ACC approval for exterior changes to my house and/or yard? Download the "Application to Modify Exterior" form under the ACC tab and email it to it to


2. How much are the HOA annual dues and when are they due? The annual dues are $650 and are due March 31 of each year. This covers the time period of April 1 through March 31 yearly.


3. When is the annual HOA Meeting? It is April 30 of each year. If this date needs to be rescheduled for any reason, the board will send notice at least two weeks in advance.


4. If I want to sell my house, is there a fee for the Closing Letter? Yes, there is a $150 fee. The closing attorney will contact the HOA board when it is needed.


5. How do I get into the pool? You must use your key fob. If you have lost it, contact Tina Russell, HOA Treasurer, to get a replacement. Contact information is on the Board of Directors tab. There is a $25 fee to replace the fob.

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